18|04|2025 - 23:59
Lecken exists to provide you quite a different environment: one where cisgays, faghags, dykes, twinks, transsexuals and they/thems end up huddled in the same stall, gossip on staircases through till dawn, or cruise through darkened rooms relishing the unexpected. Identities don’t just get asserted, but rearranged. There’s no need for you to end Lecken as the same queen who arrived.
We started as a freakshow for Ficken back in 2017 when our original mission was taking women into the darkroom. Since then we’ve only gotten weirder. We’re a welcoming space where everyone is encouraged to feel as a protagonist, collectively producing a united moment of pleasure. We’re both a trusty mentor and a bad influence.
Our dancefloors are libidinally-charged wombs of groove, our darkrooms are unspeakable, our discourse impeccable. We don’t belong to anyone in particular. As a xenofeminist party, we’re committed to a plurality of pleasures: hivesex_nomadic fetishisms_masculine femininity_decolonized masculinity_feminist whores_king kong_non-possessive sex_inter-species solidarity_desire without a subject_comfortable alienation.
And always:
Dress the fuck up or dress to undress. We favour style over fashion.
Come as you are, expect to become someone else.
Darkrooms are for getting Down To Fuck.
Dance floors are for Communion in Movement.
Toilets are for Radical Philosophy.
Welcome new faces, look after those you came with. Intoxication to encourage connection, not distance.
Our politics is what we do together.